5 Excellent Machines to Kickstart 2023

As we approach 2023, many will resolve to get fit, trim down, and live a healthier lifestyle in the upcoming year. If you are looking for fitness equipment to add to your home or office gym to help kickstart the new you, then the Cap barbell dumbbell set and these other fitness machines are a must. Whatever your fitness goals are, we have the tools that you need to make the upcoming year the one when you become the best version of yourself!
Cap Barbell Dumbbell Set
The key to overall fitness and achieving any goals that you set out to achieve is varying your exercise and getting a good combination of both anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Most people get stuck in the same exercise routine of doing only what comes naturally, which is a road to nowhere. Lifting weights won’t necessarily build big muscles unless you want to; it’s really all about the way you train. The Cap Barbell Dumbbell set gives you sizes from 5 to 75 pounds.
NordicTrack Treadmill
The Southeast does have some of the mildest temperatures around the nation, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t times when you don’t want to work out indoors. If you tend to work late or don’t have much time in the morning, you will probably be more motivated to hop on and take a run if the treadmill is at your house rather than having to stop at a gym. And if you don’t have a huge chunk of time, you can do a little before and after work to get the full time in. Every little bit counts – literally – and if you are going to get a treadmill, NordicTrack is a trusted brand to try!
Spirit Fitness Elliptical
An elliptical machine is a perfect addition to your home or office gym because it provides you with vigorous cardio exercise without the harsh joint-pounding of running or other impact exercises and activities. We have a ton of different Spirit Fitness elliptical machines to choose from depending on your preference, stride, price range, and fitness goals. Regardless of which one you choose, you can rest assured that it will work for the long haul and help you sprint to your fitness goals!
Spirit Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer
If you haven’t tried spin before, this should be the year that you resolve to get on it! It is possible to burn 700+ calories in just one hour when you do a spin class, and if you like it in the gym, you will definitely love it in the privacy of your home. The flywheel of the spin bike is weighted, which means that you can manually adjust the intensity so you are getting the maximum benefit possible without ever leaving home. If you are going to try one new exercise machine in 2023, it should definitely spin!
Cascade Fitness Air Rower
Rowing is one of those things that not many people think about – but they should. A rowing machine provides both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, so it builds core muscles, which hastens your metabolism’s ability to burn calories while also targeting heart health with aerobic exercise. In just 30 minutes, you can burn upwards of 300 calories and build some pretty amazing shoulders to boot!
As we roll into the new year, many will resolve to make 2023 the year that they achieve their fitness goals. Whether you want to trim down, bulk up, or just improve your overall quality of life, we have all that you need! Check out our online store today and choose the right equipment and accessories to help you kickstart your new year right from the start today!